13 March 2009

International Week

International week

This week was a mixture of lot of different cultures. We had some different values and lot of common values. The most important I thought that everybody who was here wanted to have a better future and this was a common goal, as the name of our course showed: living and learning together. This fact that we are able to learn from each other and to live together to create a better world.
I emphasized only one thing of this week: The discussion.
We have a common goal, to live together, but it’s not so easy, because we have different history, religions, and the words that we use, and what we speak have different meanings in every culture. And this is the point where we need to learn a lot, how to understand each other.
One of my favorite books is: The little prince. In this book there is a scene where the fox says to the prince: “Words are the source of misunderstandings.” Exupéry
Therefore was very good the music lesson, because the music was a common language with the same understanding. We used instruments. It was a good way for children and I thought it was very important to try it. We needed to draw the music, we had to make a puzzle about the music. And the best was that we had to compose music. We give the paper about the music what we need to compose?. And we need to compose the feeling in music, and after others could imagine!

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